

04 January 2011

one republic..secret n marchin on

ok guys!!!!!

nak share something ngan korang..ok memang post nie aku buat x sampai setengah jam pon dari pos bawah ni kot coz aku jarang update blog da skang...ader masa, mood datang, ngah kenyang, muka x berminyak, senyap sunyi, pening2 lalat coz ngantok, baru aku update sampai 2 3 4 post..suka ati beta beta maa...:P

masa cuti sem baru ni, aku lepak kat umah jer n menambahkan berat badan aku 2000gram...kalo guna dalam gram memang rasa ringan jer...gram lagi sedap bunyinyer dari kilogram ok..

sambil2 lepak, aku usha coz aku xde mtv or chanel v coz astro tu mak aku bayar so kena ikot dier la kn...dier layan HBO,cinemax ngan star movies je r...anak2 beliau y masih muda remaja yang dahagakan hiburan cam aku nie, ngan xde internet kat umah coz potong berukbang, megadap je la...sian kan...then aku tgk kat slot double shot n layan videos from one republic...dulu aku sombong giler ngan dorang..aku layan avenged sevenfold, mcr, alesana, billy talent, disturbia, BFMV jer...sampai la aku sangkot ngan single2 dorang cam apologize tu r..

then aku terpikat ngan lagu, melody, music, the way they play all the instruments memang wat aku bertambah semangat...

contohnyer cam lagu kat bawah ni wat aku semangat nak tulis blog wlaupon lyric dier cakap len...

jangan tanyer aku naper, kang aku tertanyer korang balik..

ok yang ni plak wat aku bertambah semangat nak teruskan idop aku ngan lebih berdedikasi dan harmoni,with my family,my other half, n my buddies..haha..

For those days we felt like a mistake,
Those times when love's what you hate
We keep marchin on

For those nights that I couldn't be there,
I've made it harder to know that you know
That somehow
We'll keep movin on

There's so many wars we fought
There's so many things we're not
But with what we have
I promise you that
We're marchin on
We're marchin on

For all of the plans we've made
There isn't a flag I'd wave
Don't care where we've been
I'd sink us to swim
We're marchin on
We're marchin on

For those doubts that swirl all around us
For those lives that tear at the seams
We know
We're not what we've seen

For this dance we move with each other
There ain't no other step
Than one foot
Right in front of the other

There's so many wars we fought
There's so many things we're not
But with what we have
I promise you that
We're marchin on
We're marchin on

For all of the plans we've made
There isn't a flag I'd wave
Don't care where we've been
I'd sink us to swim
We're marchin on
We're marchin on

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